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The National Cancer Registry Programme Report 2020, estimated that one out of nine Indians is likely to develop cancer in his or her lifetime. Among females, breast cancer is the most prevelant site and there is a 39.1% increase in the incidence over the last 26 years, with almost 60% of the cases being diagnosed in stage III or IV.

Studies show that early detection increased the rates of survival. 95% of patients with stage I disease survive compared to only 21% of patients with a stage IV diagnosis. It is disheartening to note that survival rates of breast cancer is much lower in India as compared to Western countries and this can be attributed to -

The World Cancer Report 2020, states the the most efficient intervention for control of breast cancer is early detection and rapid treatment. A systematic review conducted with 20 studies in 2018 showed that the higher stage of cancer at diagnosis is directly proportional to the cost of treatment and consequently, an earlier diagnosis can lower treatment costs.

Most of the countries, including India, are rolling out campaigns to raise awareness of early diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. However, the success of most screening programs are impacted by inadequate guidance manuals, development and use of an appropriate instrument for diagnosis, improper implementation and lack of availability of adequate human resources to conduct these camps. In addition, risk of false positives, unncessary biopsies and surgeries are also factors that need to be considered.

Using technology to drive early breast cancer detection

In recent years, technology has played a significant role in increasing awareness about breast cancer and helping women detect the disease at an early stage.

One of the most effective technology solutions for increasing breast cancer awareness is mobile health apps. These apps provide women with information about breast cancer, including symptoms, risk factors, and screening recommendations. They also allow women to track their own breast health, set reminders for mammograms, and receive notifications about any changes in their breast tissue. By providing women with easy access to information and tools for self-monitoring, mobile health apps can help to increase early detection and improve outcomes for women with breast cancer.

Social media platforms are now the most popular means to 'spread the word' and raise awareness about breast cancer and the importance of early diagnosis. Many organizations and advocates are using social media to educate women about the importance of early detection and to encourage them to get screened. Social media can also be used to share personal stories and to connect women with resources and support.

Technology has also helped improve the accuracy of breast cancer screenings. Digital mamography or 3-D mamography has a marked advantage over traditional mamography films, providing enhanced detection. Artificial intelligence has also been found to help in diagnosis and clinical decision making. In fact, a study demonstrated that an AI based diagnosis showed an 88.8% accuracy and when the AI assisted radiologists, the accuracy increased by 9.5%.

Using technology to support women diagnosed with breast cancer

Online support groups are now gaining momentum in India. These groups provide women with a platform to connect with others who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. They can share their experiences, ask questions, and receive support from others who have been through similar experiences. Online support groups can help women to feel less isolated and more empowered in their fight against breast cancer.

In conclusion, technology is playing a significant role in increasing breast cancer awareness and improving outcomes for women with the disease. From mobile health apps to online support groups and digital mammography, there are many technology solutions that can help women to detect breast cancer at an early stage and to receive the support they need to fight the disease.

Looking for digital tools and bespoke applications to enhance healthcare?

Kefitup can offer you innovative digital solutions created using the latest technology and credible, referenced content to help you stay in the game and win it too!

The healthcare sector in India is one of the largest and fastest-growing sectors in the country, employing millions of people across a wide range of specialties and positions. The pandemic has only added to the perennial shortages in healthcare workforces, with most of the front-line workers facing high levels of stress and burnout rates.

Even though the healthcare sector serves diverse populations, the workforce remains relatively homogenous. Despite its size, importance and immediate need, the sector has faced challenges in attracting and retaining diverse talent, and has faced criticism for its lack of inclusivity and equity.

To address these issues and build a stronger and more diverse workforce, many healthcare organizations in India are turning to inclusive hiring practices.

Inclusive hiring is an approach to talent acquisition that values diversity and strives to create a work environment that is welcoming and supportive of all employees, regardless of their race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or other characteristics.

Inclusive hiring can benefit healthcare organisations by –

One key aspect of inclusive hiring in the healthcare sector is to ensure that job postings and other recruitment materials are accessible and appealing to a diverse range of candidates. This may include using inclusive language, offering flexible work arrangements, and making accommodations for candidates with disabilities.

Diversity or inclusive hiring is possible when the hiring process is created to include members of unrepresented groups. This helps ensure that all candidates are treated fairly.

Inclusive hiring is basically a mindset change in the culture of an organisation. Training and development programs in that direction can help current employees to understand the value of diversity and inclusion.

Inclusive hiring in the healthcare sector in India can be of great importance towards building a strong and diverse workforce. By embracing diversity and promoting inclusivity, healthcare organizations can enhance their competitiveness, improve patient outcomes, and create a more supportive and inclusive work environment for all employees. By taking a proactive and intentional approach to inclusive hiring, the healthcare sector can help to create a brighter future for all of Indians.

Healthcare has evolved a long way from the time of Hippocrates and maladies are no longer treated in cruel, inhumane ways. The steady evolution of medical science has ensured that there’s a cure, a surgery, a vaccine, a prevention strategy or a disease management guideline in place for almost all diseases. Moreover, the emergence of healthcare digital marketing agency has further revolutionized the industry by leveraging online platforms to disseminate crucial information, promote medical services, and connect patients with the care they need efficiently.

The inevitable consequence of constant progress in the field of medicine led to a dramatic increase in the lifespan of human beings. However, longer lifespans, coupled with unhealthy lifestyles, has had its own associated problems; one of which is the ever-increasing burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs); which are chronic in nature, and thus more difficult to manage.

According to the latest statistics by WHO, NCDs kill 41 million people globally each year, which is equivalent to more than 74% of all deaths.

Not surprisingly, 17.9 million (of the 41 million) die from cardiovascular diseases, followed by cancers (9.3 million), chronic respiratory diseases (4.1 million) and diabetes (2 million). These chronic NCDs need constant management, monitoring and regulation and digital health has neatly stepped into this gap.

With most of the population now being 'online' or at least having access to or using the internet, this seemed like an obvious step. Surfing the net to find answers seems to satisfy an innate human quality -'curiosity', and that’s why the use of technology has integrated itself so deeply into our psyche.

A statistic by Oberlo showed that Google was the most visited website in 2022, dominating the global search engine market by receiving and processing approximately 8.5 billion queries every day!

We can’t deny it. Our healthcare is now in the 'digital era'.

A survey launched by Statista revealed that most people, upon discovering a worrying symptom (ranging from a cough, to rash or pain), call on google rather than a doctor – a real paradigm shift in health care roles!

This infographic puts across the point beautifully, demonstrating how technology has caused a 360-degree shift in the roles of healthcare.

The focus of treating the ill has very subtly now shifted towards ‘patient centricity’, which keeps the patient at the helm of managing his/her illness.

One-size no longer fits all and precision medicine is the new buzzword.

Patient independence, motivation and empowerment are the new ‘lingo’ that form an integral part of healthcare strategies and patient journeys.

This has automatically led to the involvement of technology and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to manage health and disease. The obvious outcome to this was the development of (drumroll) 'digital therapeutics (DTx)'.

In short, AI based technology and DTx have become game changers in healthcare.

In March 2020, the FDA approved the first prescription digital therapeutic for ‘chronic insomnia’ called Daylight. The list of DTx grows longer each day. Many major pharmaceutical players have joined the so-called ‘bandwagon’ and are partnering with digital health teams to offer adjunctive digital prescriptions for patients battling chronic diseases.

DTx can help improve care and patient experience, especially when combined with online and in-person care. There are a lot of DTx products in the pipeline, but only time and constant research can tell if they will help improve the lives of those that most need it.

The spectrum of approaching health care is changing. As part of the health care industry, are we ready to embrace this change and walk toward the future? Or are we still resisting the change and trying to hold on to the sand literally slipping away from our fingers?

Looking for digital tools and applications to enhance healthcare?

Kefitup can offer you innovative digital solutions created using the latest technology and credible, referenced content that will help you stay in the game and win it too!

Most medical students, including those studying nursing are required to make presentations on clinical cases. This can often pose challenges due to inability to present the case in a concise manner, placing facts appropriately, managing the flow and offering deductions and solutions.

This article will put case report presentations in perspective for medical, nursing and healthcare students.

What is a clinical case report?

A case report is a detailed description of a patients signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. These ususally describe an unusual occurence, disease, symptoms or conditions that can help further medical knowledge.

Assignments related to clinical case reports or case studies form an integral part of medical education.

Structure of a clinical case report

Medical and healthcare students are often expected to present case reports in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. For this, the structure or flow can be as follows:

Other points to be considered while creating a clinical case report

To conclude

A case report presentation can be creatively presented if you use the right tools, creatively to get your point across. Remember, case study presentations are an interesting way to create an interest in an otherwise deary subject. Presenting your case clearly along with your added observations, supported by a literature review is a sure-shot way of scoring well in your assignment.

Need help to create clinical case reports that can enthuse your audience? Kefitup offers you credible, referenced and authenticated clinical case report presentations on time for your next submission.

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